Summer Fruit & Vegetable Ceviche
Imagine my surprise when I logged on here and realized I hadn’t posted since July 2. I hope you all had as fun a summer as I did. Although I wasn’t writing much, I was eating plenty.
Greetings from Nowhere Near my Kitchen
Since I’m out of the kitchen this week, I reached into my “archives” for some of my all-time favorite holiday weekend recipes. All of these make great additions to a pot luck, barbecue, or poolside spread. They’re (mostly) healthy, but I don’t think anybody will mind. Happy Fourth of July!
Not Just Another Kale Salad. Really.
We had a flood last night. And hail. And tornado sirens. It felt almost biblical, and we were fortunate that the only serious damage was
A Visit to the Cancer Doctor
The whole “cancer prevention” thing does not get NEARLY enough play from the medical establishment. If there are things we can all be doing that reduce our risk of cancer, shouldn’t we all know about them?
When It Snows on Mother’s Day
Normally, I don’t too many chances to make a big pot of soup this time of year, so I took advantage and made one of my current favorites: Red Lentil Soup with Chicken
Ridiculously Easy: Cookie Sheet Dinners
Baking a bunch of foods together in one pan is the easiest way I’ve found to get a full (healthy) meal on the table, and I turn to this technique again and again.
Real Food Taco Night
Once I discovered baked tacos, I never looked back. These are super easy to make (you can even make them ahead) and a HUGE hit with the kids. The baking gives them an extra crunch, and all the ingredients are all in there together, which for some reason tastes really amazing.
My Whole Foods Shopping List
My husband likes to tell me I’m a food snob. I like to tell him that’s a lot better than my being a car snob.
How I Learned to Love Raw Kale
You’ll notice I did not say, “How I learned to tolerate raw kale.”
Why You Should Have Your Veggies Delivered, Plus $10 Off! and A Really Good Beet Recipe
I’m excited to tell you about a product, well actually a service, that I love. And since I really am a satisfied customer — seriously, I do a little squeal every time I see that box on my front porch — I am thrilled to be able to offer you a discount coupon to try the service yourself.
New Year, New Vegetable
The kids think Romanesco looks like something you might see on the way to Solla Sollew, but they eat it as willingly as they eat most vegetables. Which is to say, they do not wrinkle their noses too much. Here’s how to make it.
Inspired by Ina, PLUS Cauliflower Snowflakes Recipe
“Cooking is about comfort and warmth and taking care of your friends,” says Ina. “When you cook, everybody shows up.”
Chicken Chile Stew for Indian Summer
Seeing as how I’ve made this three times in the last two weeks, it seemed like a good idea to share the recipe.
Do You Spiralize?
If you’re not gluten-free, it’s still okay to eat more vegetables. And this is one wicked awesome way to do that.
Summer, Must You Go? Plus, Late-Summer Produce Recipe(s)
This post is about summer vacation and something I’ll be cooking this weekend with the late-summer produce that I love so much. One of the best things about this time of year is the food, so I’ve included links to a bunch of other recipes, too.