Not Just Another Kale Salad. Really.
We had a flood last night. And hail. And tornado sirens. It felt almost biblical, and we were fortunate that the only serious damage was
We had a flood last night. And hail. And tornado sirens. It felt almost biblical, and we were fortunate that the only serious damage was
You’ll notice I did not say, “How I learned to tolerate raw kale.”
I’m excited to tell you about a product, well actually a service, that I love. And since I really am a satisfied customer — seriously, I do a little squeal every time I see that box on my front porch — I am thrilled to be able to offer you a discount coupon to try the service yourself.
Quinoa is one of those foods we are supposed to love — you know, a “superfood.” Too bad I’ve hated the stuff since 1994.
There’s something about eating a hamburger with a knife and fork that’s just wrong. Not that I haven’t done it. Plenty of times.
When I first heard about the Paleolithic Diet a couple years ago, I thought it was for hard-bodies (my CrossFit friends) and slightly deranged people only.